

Expediting Access to the Tuberculosis Vaccine

Engaging countries where tuberculosis is abundant could aid research and development


Local Malaria and West Nile: Rallying Locally, Collaborating Globally

The United States should assess and prepare for the emerging threat of mosquito-borne illnesses


America’s Battle Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Locally transmitted malaria cases in the United States spark a need for more innovative control strategies


Drug-Resistant Malaria Is Up 1,000 Percent in Myanmar

Civil conflict and disease compound in the eastern border regions


Why Global Health Remains Bipartisan

It has proven to be "a good investment with astonishing results in saving lives"


Bangladesh Has Malaria in Its Sights

One step closer to a world without mosquito nets


10 Good Things That Happened in Global Health in 2021

There were milestones and moments to celebrate, despite the shadow of COVID-19


The Urgent Need to Better Monitor Vaccine Safety in the Real World

The colossal undertaking of global vaccine rollout is facing another gargantuan challenge: monitoring their safety


The Double Threat of COVID-19 in Africa

Deaths from health-care disruptions due to COVID-19 are almost certain to outnumber deaths from the coronavirus itself


Coronavirus in Zimbabwe

The country is facing an unprecedented public health catastrophe—and action is required to prevent more needless deaths


Combating COVID-19 Without Sacrificing Sustainable Development Goals

We must not stop investing in long-term health projects—even under significant resource constraints in times of pandemic