Research & Analysis


Roadblocks to Gen Z's Mental Health Care

Struggles felt by Gen Z spotlight the issues of mental health-care access in the United States

The New U.S. Strategy on Global Health Security

The strategy seeks to make U.S. foreign policy on global health more effective


Bird Flu, U.S. Cows, and Economic Consequences

The recent H5N1 outbreak in cattle has rattled livestock markets and raised public health concerns


Course Correcting the U.S. Response to Bird Flu

Health security scientists wonder what delayed the U.S. response and offer advice on strategic improvements


Pandemic Prevention Begins at Home

Proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations could enable timely outbreak reporting at the local level


Climate Change and Global Health: Moving From Rhetoric to Action

The World Health Assembly can help mainstream climate action into the global health agenda


Reimagining the Future of Climate Health With AI

Harnessing the power of generative AI for health promotion and climate action


Using AI to Decolonize Health Care in Africa

How artificial intelligence can help empower communities to create their own solutions


How Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu Virus in Milk

Experts explain how pasteurization obliterates avian influenza virus from milk


AI and Facial Recognition Dive Into Global Health Care

How artificial intelligence is used to diagnose diseases and understand behavior


Gambia Moves to Overturn Ban on Female Genital Cutting

The impending collapse of Gambia's ban on the practice casts a shadow over years of hard-fought efforts across Africa


A Virus Hunter's Struggle for Respect in Post-COVID China

Zhang Yongzhen's recent ordeal is an interplay of personal, cultural, institutional, and political factors


Investments in Rapid Outbreak Responses: Spend Now, Save Later

New pandemic preparedness approaches from Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria balance speed and financing


Moderna Cancels Kenya Vaccine Project Due to Familiar Economic Hurdles

The cancellation reminds the world that more efforts are needed for equitable vaccine distribution