The Best of 2021, COVID-19, and Young Voices in Global Health
The Best of 2021, COVID-19, and Young Voices in Global Health
Better health begins with ideas
Editors' Note We hope this Friday finds you well. We bring you a vibrant issue, including our twenty-one favorite Think Global Health stories of the year. As December winds down, we reflect on ten good things that happened in global health in 2021, despite COVID-19's continued toll.
We share one piece on what the newly formed African Medicines Agency needs most to succeed and two perspectives on the complex negotiations surrounding a new pandemic treaty. We also launch our Young Voices in Global Health series with an article on Darfur's forgotten war, which has been compounded by climate change. The series' second article doubles as our Culture Friday feature and delves into the language of menstruation.
As always, thank you for reading. —Thomas J. Bollyky and Mary Brophy Marcus, Editors
This Week's Highlights by The Editorial Team by The Editorial Team by Michelle Gavin The launch of the African Medicines Agency is a milestone for drug safety and trust in Africa
Stat of the Week 800 Million Each day, about 800 million women, girls, trans-men, and non-binary individuals experience menstruation
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