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More than half the world's population now resides in cities. Urbanization in low-income countries could offer billions of people better access to jobs and health-care services and a gateway to the world economy. To reap those benefits, those nations will have to confront the looming health and environmental challenges of urban life. This section examines the ways in which health and infectious diseases shape urbanization, but also the ways in which cities will define the future of global health


Sloth Fever: Latin America's Oropouche Epidemic

Without global collaboration and action to address root causes, Oropouche fever is likely to continue spreading

A U.S. Response to Mosquito-Borne Disease Outbreaks

Experts explain what it would take for malaria to become endemic in the United States—and why this is unlikely


Regenerative Infrastructure, One Health, and City Diplomacy

Earth's thermodynamics can inform the application of integrative health approaches for building resilient infrastructure


Making City Diplomacy Work for Global Health

Collaborative governance among cities is expanding and should be central to global health diplomacy 


Infrastructure, Cities, and Global Health Diplomacy

The interconnections of societies on an urbanizing planet require cities to network and engage more in health diplomacy


What's Driving Violence Against Health Workers in India

An attack against health-care workers is reported almost every other week


The United States Can't Arrest Its Way Out of Gun Violence

Communities, hospitals, and prosecutors can play valuable roles in curbing gun violence


Polluted Rivers Create a Public Health Crisis in Nepal

Unchecked urbanization has led to a surge of waterborne diseases among Nepal's poorest communities


Revitalizing Road Safety Regulation in Africa

In 2021, nearly a quarter million motorists and pedestrians were killed on African roads


Drones Deliver Humanitarian Aid in Africa

Unmanned aerial vehicles are transforming last-mile health-care deliveries within sub-Saharan Africa


An Academic Lifeline for Rural Hospitals

A flurry of partnerships demonstrate how academic health systems can bolster rural hospitals


Examining the Diversity of the Rural United States

How rural health varies by racial and ethnic population


Connecting the Dots Between Climate and Air Quality

Connecting the dots between climate and air quality


Pandemic Urbanism

Emerging infectious disease on a planet of cities