This week, we are featuring a series of pieces about India, a country among the hardest hit by COVID-19. The authors explore India’s history of public health and private health-care innovation, its fast-rising rate of noncommunicable disease, and its deep economic inequities.
Covering all of India’s fascinating and important health stories would be impossible, but these nine articles explore emerging issues: health-care access in remote and rural areas, tobacco products, cancer care, food supplementation and malnutrition, vaccination, technology changes in India’s health-care landscape, and how climate change is shifting infectious disease patterns in the country.
We close out this week’s series with an interview with global health expert Ramanan Laxminarayan, who shares a bird’s-eye view of health right now in India, three years into the pandemic—what the country has lost and learned and where its strengths and resilience lie.
We hope you learn more about India, and like us, are inspired to continue following—and contributing to—India’s journey toward building stronger health-care systems and policies and reducing chronic and infectious illnesses.
Happy Diwali, and as always, thank you for reading, and be well.—Thomas J. Bollyky and Mary Brophy Marcus, Editors