

Human Rights at the Center of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Governments should integrate human rights into their pandemic responses

COVID-19 and the Far Right's Diminishing Memory of the Holocaust

Anti-Semitism is on the rise, and it's dangerous for health


After "Bloody January," Health and Safety in Kazakhstan Look Shaky

Wealth disparities in Kazakhstan have left holes in the health system


A Look at Women's Protests

A snapshot of women-led protests around the world


Coronavirus in Zimbabwe

The country is facing an unprecedented public health catastrophe—and action is required to prevent more needless deaths


Russia’s Not Ready for Coronavirus

Notwithstanding vigorous containment efforts and typical bluster, Russia faces a reckoning if COVID-19 cannot be stopped


Coronavirus in Iran—An Isolated Response?

As the COVID-19 crisis deepens, will Tehran wean itself off suspicions and collaborate in efforts to control the virus?