

Advancing Global Tobacco Control as New Challenges Arise

The most recent meeting of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control confronted persistent problems and new threats

Big Tobacco Is Being Held More Accountable Around the World

Regulatory regimes beyond public health are targeting Big Tobacco's abuses


White House and FDA Miss Deadline for Menthol Cigarette Ban

The menthol cigarette ban could save thousands of lives per year but has faced intense pushback


Tobacco Control Goes Missing from Indonesia's Presidential Ballot

A lack of campaign conversation around the risks of tobacco use worries health experts


What Big Cannabis Can Learn from Big Tobacco

The budding cannabis industry should take steps to protect and inform consumers


You Can’t Eat Tobacco

Transitioning away from tobacco farming can improve food security


Alcohol: A Public Health Blind Spot

Richard Yoast on alcohol consumption and how philanthropies could help curb excess drinking   


Beating the Bidi Habit In India

An interview with Vandana Shah explores tobacco use and policy in India


Nicotine Pouch Use Is on the Rise

A longtime tobacco researcher looks at the question of potentially "less harmful" substitutes for cigarettes


Growing Old in China in the Age of Abundance

A rapidly aging population has witnessed China's ascension to economic security, due in part to better health


Big Tobacco's Big Gains During COVID-19

For the tobacco industry, the pandemic has been a golden opportunity to build influence globally


How Tobacco Advertising Woos Women

The myth of "You've come a long way, baby" and other ploys to lure female smokers


Unknowing Victims

The risk of secondhand smoke exposure during COVID lockdowns