Devi Sridhar

Devi Sridhar is a professor at the University of Edinburgh Medical School and holds a Personal Chair in Global Public Health. She is the founding director of the Global Health Governance Programme and holds a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award. Her books include Governing Global Health: Who Runs the World and Why? (OUP, 2017) and The Battle Against Hunger: Choice, Circumstance and the World Bank (OUP, 2007). She has published in Nature, Science, New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet and the British Medical Journal. She holds a DPhil and MPhil from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar and a BS from the University of Miami in the Honors Medical Program. Her work is concentrated in three areas: international health organizations, financing of global public health, and developing better tools for priority-setting.


Why the WHO?

The World Health Organization is essential to convening scientific experts and the world’s best thinking on COVID-19