U.S. Egg Prices Reach 45-Year High as Bird Flu Intensifies
This winter, a new version of H5N1 influenza, the same one behind a recent fatal case, has pummeled U.S. poultry
Zombie Viruses From the Arctic
Thawing permafrost is releasing microbes from the Neanderthal era—how real is the risk for public health?
Violence in Times of Coronavirus—The Ugly Truth
We cannot afford to unsee domestic abuse after COVID-19—we need a world free from violence against women and children
COVID-19 Highlights the Need for Universal Health Coverage
Universal health coverage is achievable for all countries—and in the aftermath of the pandemic, it should be implemented
Five Problems With the Swedish Approach to COVID-19
As herd immunity remains elusive, Sweden’s experience seems to be a cautionary tale—Norway and Denmark have fared better
What We Talk About When We Talk About Coronavirus
A gendered and political analysis of world leaders’ COVID-19 pandemic statements in March 2020
The Big European Shut Down
COVID-19 pandemic reflects the EU’s powerlessness to act coherently on health matters—but it also reveals a path forward
Much at Stake as EU Battles COVID-19
Does Europe have the will to unite as one and protect global health around the world, or will national politics prevail?
Africa’s Urban Housing Crisis
Without new policy and investment to stimulate affordable housing, young people will continue to be left out in the cold
How to Tackle Global Problems in an Age of Populism
Appetites for investment do exist today to define achievable goals, apply effective tools, and solve global challenges