

The United States Risks Losing Its Edge in Life Sciences Innovation

China's life sciences sector benefits from streamlined regulations, proactive government policies, and strategic focus

Reimagining the Future of Climate Health With AI

Harnessing the power of generative AI for health promotion and climate action


Using AI to Decolonize Health Care in Africa

How artificial intelligence can help empower communities to create their own solutions


AI and Facial Recognition Dive Into Global Health Care

How artificial intelligence is used to diagnose diseases and understand behavior


How India Can Achieve Universal Health Coverage

Empowering community health workers with digital tools will bridge health-care gaps


How AI Is Transforming Maternal Health Care in Vietnam

Southeast Asia is harnessing technology to equip parents with better information about childhood nutrition


Global Health and the Declaration for the Future of the Internet

The declaration takes geopolitical and ideological stands that raise questions for global health


Spotify's COVID-19 Controversy

How artists Neil Young and Joni Mitchell took a stand against COVID-19 disinformation


The Bioeconomy Revolution Can End the Panic-and-Neglect Cycle in Health Security

Progress in biotechnology will advance pandemic defenses even more in coming decades


Bridging Health Gaps With Inclusive Urbanization

To tackle health disparities, the global health community must promote inclusive urbanization


Who Gets What and Why?

Countries need informed decision-making through health technology assessment to allocate resources during the pandemic


COVID-19 as a Digital Pandemic

The tech sector is booming with health monitoring apps—but to realize their public benefit we need new ways to vet them


Global Health Surveillance in an Internet Age

Let's come up with a sophisticated surveillance system for predicting local disease outbreaks based on consumer behavior


Setting Expectations for the Return to "Normal"

As the China epicenter slowly returns to new normal, it's a world of facemasks, location scanning apps and travel rules