

The United States Risks Losing Its Edge in Life Sciences Innovation

China's life sciences sector benefits from streamlined regulations, proactive government policies, and strategic focus

U.S. Egg Prices See Largest Jump Since 1980 as Bird Flu Outbreaks Continue

A new version of H5N1 influenza continues to pound poultry, but price relief could be on the way


U.S. WHO Exit Could Expand China's Influence

Donald Trump's executive order could inadvertently pave the way for China to reshape global health governance


China's Foreign Policy and Global Health Leadership

Chinese health diplomacy has made progress, but challenges to China's aspirations to be a leader in global health remain


China's Role in Global Antimicrobial Resistance

How the world's largest producer of antibiotics can address drug resistance


U.S. Disinformation Plan Put Geopolitics Above Global Health

Covert U.S. information operations during COVID-19 expose the dangers that global health faces when rival powers compete


Inside the Global Burden of Disease Study

IHME Director Christopher Murray recounts the study's role in shaping global policy and how collaborators overcame COVID


A Virus Hunter's Struggle for Respect in Post-COVID China

Zhang Yongzhen's recent ordeal is an interplay of personal, cultural, institutional, and political factors


China's Emerging Welfare Crisis

Signs are surfacing of an impending crisis in the country's medical insurance system


The Shadow of China's Lockdown Remains

Four years after China locked down Wuhan, the country is still feeling the aftershocks


Henry Kissinger, Foreign Policy, and Global Health

Kissinger’s legacy informs the U.S. foreign policy experience with global health


Two Geopolitical Rivals, One Health

The Biden-Xi summit did not advance U.S.-China health security cooperation


Blocs, the BRICS, and Global Health

Recent geopolitical moves further reshape the international context for global health


Amid Global Boiling, the Foreign Policy Response Remains Lacking

Record heat clarifies the severity of the foreign policy problems climate mitigation and adaptation pose