DRC in Crisis: The Human Cost of U.S. Aid Cuts Amid the M23 Rebellion
Aid workers and health experts recount the growing humanitarian crisis amid conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo
Securing America's Health Through Global Vaccination
The United States should protect children at home and abroad from dangerous diseases made worse by war
U.S. Aid Package Leaves Ukraine Vulnerable to Public Health Crisis
Public health experts say the heightened conflict is making outbreaks more likely in Ukraine and elsewhere
In Myanmar, Health Care Has Become a Battleground
Three years after a military coup, attacks against health care in Myanmar have reached a tipping point
Shockwaves From the Israel-Hamas War Threaten Global Health
The conflict unleashes a cascade of bad consequences for global health endeavors
There Is No Universal Health Care Without Universal Peace
The symbiosis of peace and public health
Waste-to-Energy for U.S. Military Bases
A new technology that could replace burn pits in U.S. overseas military bases
International Cooperation and the War Against Ukraine
The war in Ukraine is hampering solutions on global issues and intensifying cooperation among geopolitical alliances
The War in Ukraine Has Harmed Children
Russia’s war is rooted in concepts of identity and nationality
The Devastating Use of Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War
Three new UN reports detail atrocities in Ethiopia, Haiti, and Ukraine