

Zimbabwe's Bus Disaster and the Deadly Cost of Defunding Global Health

Global cooperation could reduce disparities in emergency care, but the United States cut programs for disaster relief

In Climate Fight, Focus on Women and Girls

Zimbabwe's Lunia Centre is tackling climate change's spillover effects on women and girls


Zimbabwe's Village Health Workers Persist in Cholera Battle

The southern African nation is still battling an outbreak that began a year ago


Malawi’s Cholera Outbreak Could Spill Over into Neighboring Countries

Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe are all at risk of cross-border cholera outbreaks.


Zimbabwe Struggles With Drug-Resistant Disease Strains

Drug-resistant cholera and typhoid are sparking fears in Zimbabwe as cases rise


Harlem to Harare

Dr. Mary Bassett on how her upbringing and decades in Africa influenced her thinking about health in the United States


In Parched Zimbabwe, Climate Change Pushes Tsetse to New Areas

Health experts will monitor tsetse-caused sleeping sickness to stem its spread


Coronavirus in Zimbabwe

The country is facing an unprecedented public health catastrophe—and action is required to prevent more needless deaths


Which Governments Prioritize Health Spending?

As COVID-19 causes simultaneous health and economic crises worldwide, it's an opportunity to evaluate health spending


Mothers, Children, and the Terrible Choice Between COVID-19 and Other Infections

Decisive action is required now to protect the most vulnerable from HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria during the pandemic


What We Ask About Coronavirus in Africa

Search query data from 21 African countries reveal public perceptions, gaps in knowledge, and opportunities to educate


Rethinking the Future of Global Health

There can be no better time to reimagine our health security based on global cooperation, equity, trust, and solidarity


How to Save the Lives of Women and Girls in Africa

African governments must follow through on their lofty declarations and allocate national budgets to save women’s lives