Amanda McClelland

Amanda McClelland, a registered nurse, is the senior vice president of Prevent Epidemics at Resolve to Save Lives, where she leads a global team working to accelerate progress to make the world safer from the next epidemic.  


H5N1 Demands Coordination, Not Confusion

Public health and politics should work together to restore trust and ensure a cohesive response to bird flu


Investments in Rapid Outbreak Responses: Spend Now, Save Later

New pandemic preparedness approaches from Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria balance speed and financing


Uganda Spots Anthrax Outbreak Early Via Enhanced Situational Awareness

How an early-warning approach could mitigate infectious disease crises


Confronting an Invisible Enemy in Ukraine

The insidious march of infectious diseases during war 


A Call for Global Solidarity

If COVID-19 has taught anything, it's that we are one world—and a world where many places need money and technical help


All Focus Must Turn to Health-Care Workers Now

To save ourselves we need to protect the people who risk everything and sacrifice their own safety to save everyone else


How to Save Lives in a COVID-19 Pandemic

Global preparedness is critical to saving lives and sparing health, societal, and economic impacts—now and in the future