Hannah Todd

Hannah Todd, MPH, is a first-year medical student at Baylor College of Medicine. She is interested in working at the interface of public policy and clinical care to make healthcare more equitable, efficient, and effective. 


Children, Hunger, Stress, and Coronavirus

We need to identify at-risk U.S. children and expand safety nets worldwide to keep kids fed, immunized, and looked after


Children of Immigrants and Their Mental Health Needs

We should create more comprehensive, accessible, and culturally sensitive initiatives for U.S. children of immigrants


Hurricanes, Pandemics, Floods, Frail Systems, and Failed Responses

Imagining a post-Harvey, post-Irma, post-Hanna, post-COVID-19 world of pandemics, natural disasters, and U.S. resiliency


The Ripple Effect of U.S. Immigration Policies During COVID-19

Self-inflicted problems of unsafe detentions and deportations of people with coronavirus impede effective U.S. responses


Medical Diplomacy—Lessons From Cuba

COVID-19 is a chance to design more efficient, equitable, and ethical health care responses during a crisis