Michael Brauer

Michael Brauer is a professor in the University of British Columbia's School of Population and Public Health and an affiliate professor at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), where he leads the Environmental Risk Factors team for the Global Burden of Disease Study. His research focuses on linkages between the built environment and human health, with specific interest in the global health impacts of air pollution and the relationships between multiple exposures mediated by urban form and population health. He has participated in monitoring and epidemiological studies throughout the world and served on advisory committees to the World Health Organization, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Royal Society of Canada, the International Joint Commission and various governments in North America and Asia. He is an associate editor of Environmental Health Perspectives. His contributions to environmental health have been acknowledged by a number of career achievement and publication awards.


The Lasting Damage of Wildfires

The health impacts of wildfires are observed years after the initial blazes


Protecting Ourselves From Wildfire Smoke

Smoke is here to stay, so communities need to adapt


Tackling Air Pollution Starts at Home

Rapidly developing countries critically need clean household energy  


Every Breath We Take

Air pollution is a pernicious threat linked to millions of deaths each year


Adapting Our Cities to the Future 

Why cities need to plan for climate change now 


Hot, Cold, and Deadly

Extreme temperature is a threat to global health


Handwashing Is Crucial for Combating Coronavirus

Expanded hand-washing access could save thousands of lives from diseases like COVID-19—especially in low-income settings