pandemic treaty


The Pandemic Treaty's True Cost

Is the multimillion dollar cost of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body worth the Pandemic Agreement?

Prioritizing Prevention in the Pandemic Treaty

Ahead of debates next month, negotiators should come with clear, commonsense proposals that can gain global support


The Pandemic Agreement Fractures in the Latest Negotiations

WHO member states continue to disagree on critical issues and might tackle them after adopting a pandemic agreement


Using Game Theory to Advance the Pandemic Agreement

Rewarding drug manufacturers for sharing vaccine doses could break the impasse in negotiations


The G7 Exposed the Health Dangers of a Multi-Crisis World

The latest G7 summit revealed the expanding gap between health threats and policy solutions in a world of many crises


Pandemic Agreement Talks Resume with Global Equity at Stake

Progress has been made, but difficult issues need resolving before a pandemic treaty can make the world safer and fairer


Why Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Failed to Land

Months of negotiations and a final weeklong push ended with impasses over technology sharing and accountability measures


Safeguarding the Pandemic Agreement from Disinformation

A sustained disinformation campaign worldwide is undermining the highly anticipated pandemic agreement


Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Begin Final Stretch: What To Expect

With final negotiations set for late April, two experts explain the nuances of the Pandemic Agreement's latest draft


The Endgame for Global Health Governance Negotiations

Talks to finalize a pandemic agreement and IHR amendments enter decisive stages as the world's divisions deepen


The World Won’t Be Safer With a Fragmented Global Health System

It’s unclear how a proposed Global Health Threats Council will interact with the existing global health system


Wrangling Over the International Pandemic Pact Has Begun  

Drug and vaccine access are among the contentious issues