Vulnerable Populations


Children of Immigrants and Their Mental Health Needs

We should create more comprehensive, accessible, and culturally sensitive initiatives for U.S. children of immigrants


Violence in Times of Coronavirus—The Ugly Truth

We cannot afford to unsee domestic abuse after COVID-19—we need a world free from violence against women and children


The Ripple Effect of U.S. Immigration Policies During COVID-19

Self-inflicted problems of unsafe detentions and deportations of people with coronavirus impede effective U.S. responses


Coronavirus, War, and Yemen in Between: A Recipe for Disaster

Without a collective effort to suppress COVID-19 in conflict zones, people in those areas will pay the highest price


One Size Doesn’t Fit All

When collecting COVID-19 data and modeling epidemic curves, we need to take more into account—in Africa and elsewhere


Politics May Kill Us, Not the Coronavirus

In these times of pandemic, crisis, and despair we need more bipartisan support for rational actions informed by science