Anemia and School Attendance in India
More than half of adolescent girls and nearly one-third of boys suffer from anemia, weakening India's education system
A Longer Life Begins in the Classroom
A new study measures how much extra life comes from being educated
How Medical Education Is Adapting to Climate Change
Educational initiatives are sprouting to help doctors and nurses confront the health threats created by climate change
Gun Violence Arrives on Serbia’s Doorstep
Serbian students can no longer say, “It couldn’t happen here”
Giving a Boost to School Lunches in India
Supplementing school lunches with iron-fortified salt can help reduce anemia in kids
The Steep Price of Education in Africa
Education is unaffordable for many families in low- and middle-income countries
Getting School Health Right in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
School nutrition and health programs took a hit during COVID, now it's time to reinforce these school-based safety nets
How to Keep Schools Open in the Face of Delta
Face masks and vaccines are just some of the methods schools can use to stay open
Supporting Kids With Long COVID as They Head Back to School
Schools will need to accommodate children with lingering post-virus symptoms
Student-Led Activism Transforming the Access to Medicines Movement
Universities are crucial allies to the global movement pushing to broaden access to vaccines
Gender Equality in the Global Return to School
COVID-19 is threatening to unravel decades of progress on women's education
The Kids Are (Not) Alright
Analyzing the evidence against—and in support of—reopening schools during COVID-19
COVID-19 This Week—The Looming Question: Internal Travel Restrictions
To reduce risk, we must close bars and other indoor spaces, reduce crowds, mask up, wash hands, and increase distancing
COVID-19 This Week: The Tide Is Beginning to Turn, But Is Still Very High
The better we understand coronavirus, our risk, and our response with real-time intelligence, the better we can fight it