
Climate Change, Global Surgery, and G20 Nations

Integrating surgical care into national health plans can help G20 nations achieve their sustainable development goals

Epilepsy and the Rising Risk of Burns

A complex intersection exists between epilepsy management and burn injuries in low- or middle-income countries


Global Health Politics: Multipolarity Is the New Reality

Long dominated by the West, global health is changing because of discontent with the past and the return of geopolitics


A New Era for Russian Foreign Policy on Global Health

Russia has altered its approach to global health amid the war in Ukraine and geopolitical rivalry with the West


Using Game Theory to Advance the Pandemic Agreement

Rewarding drug manufacturers for sharing vaccine doses could break the impasse in negotiations


Global Health and the "Second Independence of Africa"

Plans for a new public health order for Africa are central to the continent's future in a geopolitical world


The WHO's Push for Global mRNA Vaccine Access

Will the WHO hub realize its vision before the next global health crisis?


Build an Oxygen Ecosystem

COVID drew attention to the need for medical oxygen. Now donors need a plan to make it sustainable


Aesthetic Procedures Are at an All-Time High, but People Are Getting Left Behind

As the aesthetic industry grows, let’s not forget the reconstructive origin ethos of plastic surgery


Overpowering the Food Industry

The presidential politics of childhood obesity in emerging markets


Tackling Air Pollution Starts at Home

Rapidly developing countries critically need clean household energy  


In Africa, Open Biologics and Tech Transfer Pave the Way for Local Vaccine Manufacturing

How the development of Africa's first home-grown mRNA COVID-19 vaccine could shape the future of vaccine innovation


The Power of Health Information for People with Disabilities

Knowledge gaps, data deficits, and stigma have stalled access to health information and care