U.S. Foreign Policy and Global Health
This series focuses on the challenges that U.S. engagement on global health faces in a world battered by the COVID-19 pandemic, divided by power politics, and uncertain about the ability of the United States to sustain global leadership
The USAID "Lifesaving" Waiver Is a Mirage Without Sufficient Staffing
The State Department's humanitarian waiver is essential but falls woefully short of ensuring patients receive medicines
U.S. WHO Exit Could Expand China's Influence
Donald Trump's executive order could inadvertently pave the way for China to reshape global health governance
President Trump Begins Changing U.S. Global Health Policy
Initial executive orders include directives that transform U.S. foreign policy on global health
Regenerative Infrastructure, One Health, and City Diplomacy
Earth's thermodynamics can inform the application of integrative health approaches for building resilient infrastructure
Making City Diplomacy Work for Global Health
Collaborative governance among cities is expanding and should be central to global health diplomacy
Infrastructure, Cities, and Global Health Diplomacy
The interconnections of societies on an urbanizing planet require cities to network and engage more in health diplomacy
Russia's Strategic Approach to Climate Change
Moscow accepts that climate change is real but uses climate diplomacy to advance national security and geopolitical ends
China's Foreign Policy and Global Health Leadership
Chinese health diplomacy has made progress, but challenges to China's aspirations to be a leader in global health remain
Health, Latin America, and the Promise of Artificial Intelligence
Multiple crises burden health systems in the region, but AI offers potential for progress
The Pandemic Agreement Fractures in the Latest Negotiations
WHO member states continue to disagree on critical issues and might tackle them after adopting a pandemic agreement
Global Health Security Lessons from the U.S. Biodefense Response
The COVID-19 pandemic exemplified how an institute concerned with biodefense could pivot to serve public health needs
The United States Targets Cervical Cancer and Lead Exposure
The Biden administration launched efforts to reduce cervical cancer and lead exposure that could have brief policy lives
National Security Debate on Global Health Enters a New Phase
Controversies about national security and global health are changing in a post-pandemic, geopolitical, and warming world
Global Health Politics: Multipolarity Is the New Reality
Long dominated by the West, global health is changing because of discontent with the past and the return of geopolitics
The United Nations Must Ensure Sustainable Access to Effective Antibiotics
A collapse in the effectiveness of antibiotics could come without warning and imperil entire health systems
Russia's Growing Footprint on the African Health Landscape
Health cooperation with Uganda highlights Africa's role in Russian foreign policy and Ugandan motives in a changed world
Russian Cooperation With Venezuela Integrates Health
Russian-Venezuelan relations now involve the health sector, a bid to expand Moscow's influence in Latin America
A New Era for Russian Foreign Policy on Global Health
Russia has altered its approach to global health amid the war in Ukraine and geopolitical rivalry with the West
President Biden's Foreign Policy Legacy on Global Health
Geopolitics and domestic polarization have stymied the president's efforts to reclaim U.S. global health leadership
The G7 Exposed the Health Dangers of a Multi-Crisis World
The latest G7 summit revealed the expanding gap between health threats and policy solutions in a world of many crises
U.S. Disinformation Plan Put Geopolitics Above Global Health
Covert U.S. information operations during COVID-19 expose the dangers that global health faces when rival powers compete
Pandemic Agreement Talks Resume with Global Equity at Stake
Progress has been made, but difficult issues need resolving before a pandemic treaty can make the world safer and fairer
Health Policy Takeaways from 2024's First U.S. Presidential Debate
Where the presidential debate mentioned or missed on COVID responses, drug pricing, Medicare, and reproductive health
Health Equity and Gender Equality in a More Violent World
The impact of conflict on civilian health and well-being is both tragic and dangerous to prospects for sustained peace
Smallpox Biosecurity in a New Era of Technology
Smallpox could reemerge, but new technology can prepare the world for a future outbreak
The Amendments to the International Health Regulations Are Not a Breakthrough
The major amendments misdiagnose problems that arose during COVID-19 and create processes that paper over disagreements
The New Amendments to the International Health Regulations
The passage of a new IHR marks a key moment for global health governance
Post-Roe Era Tests Abortion Laws Worldwide
As abortion comes under fire in the United States, some countries have taken a stance toward expanding access
Why Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Failed to Land
Months of negotiations and a final weeklong push ended with impasses over technology sharing and accountability measures
Advancing Global Tobacco Control as New Challenges Arise
The most recent meeting of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control confronted persistent problems and new threats
Big Tobacco Is Being Held More Accountable Around the World
Regulatory regimes beyond public health are targeting Big Tobacco's abuses
Fatal Attacks on Health-Care Workers Doubled in 2023
Amid a rise in global conflict, a new report shows that health-care workers are being killed at alarming rates
New Biotech Platforms Offer Better Paths to Biosecurity
Changes in uses of digital technology improved cybersecurity, offering a blueprint for making biotechnology more secure
The New U.S. Strategy on Global Health Security
The strategy seeks to make U.S. foreign policy on global health more effective
Climate Change and Global Health: Moving From Rhetoric to Action
The World Health Assembly can help mainstream climate action into the global health agenda
Rethinking Donor Partnerships in Africa
Improving health in Africa requires more effective and respectful collaboration with global partners
Africa's New Public Health Order and U.S. Global Health Policy
Pan-African public health ambitions challenge U.S. health diplomacy in Africa
Global Health and the "Second Independence of Africa"
Plans for a new public health order for Africa are central to the continent's future in a geopolitical world
Pandemic Agreement Negotiations Begin Final Stretch: What To Expect
With final negotiations set for late April, two experts explain the nuances of the Pandemic Agreement's latest draft
Polarization Threatens Food Security and Systems Globally
Political disagreements on sustainability and climate action damage prospects for needed changes in food production
The Food Is Medicine Strategy Gains Momentum
U.S. health care is crafting food-based nutrition interventions to combat diet-related diseases
Transforming the Global Food System for Better Health
Healthy, sustainable, and resilient food systems require changes in food policies and private-sector engagement
PEPFAR HIV Program Gets Yearlong Lifeline: What's Next?
PEPFAR's former chief of staff describes why its latest reauthorization still spells uncertainty for the program
The Endgame for Global Health Governance Negotiations
Talks to finalize a pandemic agreement and IHR amendments enter decisive stages as the world's divisions deepen
Facts and Falsehoods: Israel's Attacks Against Gaza's Hospitals
How Biden could intervene against Israel's assaults on Gaza's hospitals
India's Moment for Global Health Leadership
India is well positioned to shape the future of global health
Insights From India on Expanding Global Vaccine Production
The Indian pharmaceutical industry offers lessons for building vaccine-production capacity in developing countries
Efforts Against Flu Show Developing Nations Can Make Vaccines
WHO's global plan for influenza vaccines blazed a trail for more vaccine production in low- and middle-income countries
The WHO's Push for Global mRNA Vaccine Access
Will the WHO hub realize its vision before the next global health crisis?
The Shadow of China's Lockdown Remains
Four years after China locked down Wuhan, the country is still feeling the aftershocks
Global Health Security and Diplomacy in 2024: Lead, Leverage, and Elevate
Discussions will intensify in 2024 to strengthen the global health security architecture
At COP28, the Climate-Health Nexus Turned a Corner, for Better and Worse
Health got more attention, a change that magnifies the unprecedented dangers an unprepared world faces
Henry Kissinger, Foreign Policy, and Global Health
Kissinger’s legacy informs the U.S. foreign policy experience with global health
Climate Change and Health at COP28
The conference in Dubai seeks to elevate health in climate policy
Two Geopolitical Rivals, One Health
The Biden-Xi summit did not advance U.S.-China health security cooperation
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Reveals Changes in the Trade-Health Nexus
President Joe Biden’s push to finish the IPEF highlights how trade and health issues have evolved
Global Health and the Sources of American Power
The Biden administration’s foreign policy vision exposes serious challenges for U.S. global health engagement
Counterterrorism Concepts and Health Policy Debates
Attacking drug cartels and applying pro-life principles to aid echoes ideas from the war on terrorism
American Conservatism and Global Health
A presidential transition strategy contains a conservative vision for U.S. global health policy
Leaders Should Recognize That Global Health Is a Security Issue
“International cooperation is the only way to escape the cycle of panic and neglect,” says Croatia’s former president
The UN General Assembly Hosts an Ambitious Health Agenda
Summits and high-level meetings will address post-COVID global health challenges
To Prevent the Next Pandemic, Leaders Should Finish What They Started
A pandemic action priority list
The G20 Summit Showcased India’s Ambitions in a Geopolitical World
The New Delhi declaration positioned global health within a nonaligned development strategy
PEPFAR, Politics, and PSI: An Implementer’s Perspective
The bipartisan importance of PEPFAR
Blocs, the BRICS, and Global Health
Recent geopolitical moves further reshape the international context for global health
Inside the New Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy
An interview with Ambassador-at-Large John Nkengasong
Amid Global Boiling, the Foreign Policy Response Remains Lacking
Record heat clarifies the severity of the foreign policy problems climate mitigation and adaptation pose
Fentanyl and Foreign Policy
A domestic crisis confronts transnational challenges and geopolitical calculations
Abortion Politics, PEPFAR, and U.S. Foreign Policy on Global Health
Anti-abortion positions on PEPFAR’s reauthorization highlight the transformed politics of U.S. global health policies
Foreign Policy and Global Health in a Multipolar, Multi-Crisis World
After COVID, foreign policy on global health operates in a different political ecosystem
Pandemic Fund to Africa: Step to the Back of the Line
Missed opportunities for impact in Africa in the Pandemic Fund’s first round of grants
The Polarized Pandemic
COVID-19 has contributed to the fragmentation of domestic and international politics
PEPFAR's Twentieth Anniversary Might Be Its Last
Proposed changes to the mold-breaking program could break it for good
PEPFAR in a Global Democratic Recession
At age twenty, PEPFAR's continued success depends on weathering an illiberal wave worldwide
PEPFAR Meets Climate Change
Another president's emergency plan for another global health crisis
COP27 Produced a Triple Burden for Climate Policy—And That's Bad News for Global Health
The conference created a "loss and damage" fund but failed on mitigation and adaptation
At Bali, the G20 Confronts Multidimensional Crises with Empty Diplomatic Rhetoric
The summit revealed the G20's and global health's vulnerabilities in a geopolitical world
Why Global Health Remains Bipartisan
It has proven to be "a good investment with astonishing results in saving lives"
The Midterm Elections and U.S. Policy on Public and Global Health
The elections produced double-edged results for U.S. efforts to strengthen public health at home and abroad
A Plan B to Strengthen Biosafety and Biosecurity
A "minilateral" approach is needed to strengthen global biorisk management
The United States Needs a Foreign Health Service
Advancing American interests in global health requires transforming U.S. health diplomacy
The World is Unprepared for the Unthinkable
A biological attack anywhere would have profound and far-reaching political, military, and health consequences
Global Health Through the Haiti Looking Glass
Another crisis in Haiti sharpens the imperative for new thinking among democracies
The Escalation of the Ukraine War and Global Health
The war has entered a more dangerous phase with grim portents for health
Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention's Contributions to Global Health Security
Countering Russian disinformation creates opportunities to enhance the BWC's role against dangerous pathogens
The Global Fund, PEPFAR, and U.S. Foreign Policy
COVID-19 raises questions about these global health programs and U.S. national interests
Trade Law Confronts an Exceptional Global Health Crisis
How should the trade system change after the pandemic?
Overcoming Cacophony in Public Health Communication after COVID-19
Communication failures during the pandemic require strategic attention
Why the Global Fund Is Important to U.S. Foreign Policy
The Global Fund is pivotal to tackling current pandemics and emerging threats
The Monkeypox Outbreak and Foreign Policy
The outbreak has limited implications for U.S. foreign policy on global health
The Monkeypox Outbreak and the WHO's Existential Crisis
The emergency declaration on monkeypox reinforces concerns about the WHO's role in global health governance
Changing Foreign Policy on Cyberspace: Lessons for U.S. Global Health Engagement
Proposals to transform U.S. cyber foreign policy can inform rethinking global health engagement
Supreme Court Decisions and U.S. Foreign Policy on Global Health
Recent rulings from the court have consequences for U.S. global health engagement
The G7 Summit's Geopolitical Pivot Signals a Difficult Future for Global Health
The G7's focus on war, power, and ideology overshadowed global health concerns
The World Health Assembly Takes Steps Toward Global Health Reforms
Countries began to reshape global health governance but left themselves room to change course
Tucker Carlson Blasts the Pandemic Treaty as a Threat to the American Way of Life
The Fox News pundit joined the global health debate and invited viewers to think about what he said—so I did
Five Questions for the World Health Assembly
The assembly meets as global health transitions into a dangerous post-COVID world
U.S. War Aims, Health, and the Armed Conflict in Ukraine
Ambitious U.S. objectives in the war will affect health on Ukrainian battlefields and in nations beyond
The Domestic Sources of U.S. Foreign Policy on Global Health
The transformation of American politics threatens foreign policy engagement on global health
Global Health and the Declaration for the Future of the Internet
The declaration takes geopolitical and ideological stands that raise questions for global health
COVID-19's Repercussions on Public Health Policy and Law in the United States
The pandemic has triggered regressive state-based law and policy reforms across America
Southeast Asia's Economic Future After COVID-19
Geopolitics and war threaten ASEAN's post-COVID plans for economic recovery, integration, and resilience
U.S. Foreign Policy, Global Health, and the Challenge of Institutional Reform
Rethinking U.S. engagement on global health requires transforming domestic and international institutions
Biodefense Leadership and National Security: Lessons from the Goldwater-Nichols Reforms
The U.S. government needs transformational reform to combat threats to health security
Global Health's Moment of Truth in the United States
Twenty years ago, Congress created a global health bill that changed the world and this week, they could do it again
Noncommunicable Diseases and Foreign Policy on Global Health
The pandemic and climate change will deepen foreign policy disinterest in NCDs
The Bioeconomy Revolution Can End the Panic-and-Neglect Cycle in Health Security
Progress in biotechnology will advance pandemic defenses even more in coming decades
The Ukraine Crisis, COVID-19, and Global Health
The Russian threat to Ukraine has nothing to do with the pandemic, but the situation has implications for global health
Latin America, COVID-19, and the Fate of a Post-Pandemic Civilization
Latin American countries need U.S. power to restore global health values
The Challenge of Pandemic Governance for Low- and Middle-Income Countries after COVID-19
LMICs should find better ways to cooperate against global health threats
The World Health Assembly Special Session and the Pandemic Treaty Controversy
Low- and middle-income countries face challenges in upcoming negotiations on pandemic governance
Pandemic Governance Negotiations and U.S. Foreign Policy
Ready or not, the future of pandemic governance will be determined next year
The Summit for Democracy and U.S. Foreign Policy on Global Health
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, this week's summit underscores the need to rethink global health in foreign policy
Friends or Foes? International Law and Health Nationalism During COVID-19
The pandemic exposed a troubling gap between the letter and the spirit of human rights law
The Case Against a Pandemic Treaty
Strengthening global health governance after COVID-19 does not require a pandemic treaty
The Mexico-United States Border, COVID-19, and Global Health Diplomacy
Mexico and the United States need to reformulate their bilateral health diplomacy in the aftermath of COVID-19
Nature's Unprecedented Role at the Glasgow UN Climate Summit
Multi-stakeholder collaboration on natural climate solutions can transform climate action
The Glasgow Summit and U.S. Foreign Policy on Climate Change
Domestic politics, not diplomacy, will determine what "America is Back" means for climate change
The Pandemic and the Future of India's Foreign Policy
Mismanagement of COVID-19 at home squandered India's advantages in vaccine diplomacy
Border Management After COVID-19: New Strategies Required
The WHO has an opportunity to align public health and domestic politics on border measures after the pandemic
The G20 Disappoints on Global Health, but That's OK with the United States
U.S. foreign policy on global health did not require the G20 Summit to be transformative
Indonesia's Foreign Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jakarta tests a new foreign policy strategy on the challenges created by COVID-19
Climate Change, Global Health, and U.S. Foreign Policy
Climate change adaptation is now an imperative for U.S. foreign policy on global health
The Policy Challenge of Extreme Heat and Climate Change
Health threats in a hotter world require policy action at every level of political and social life
The Challenge of Strengthening Democracy and Global Health in U.S. Foreign Policy
The COVID-19 pandemic has battered the belief that democracy is good for global health
The Devastating Impact of COVID-19 on Democracy
The pandemic has made reversing the global decline in democracy and freedom harder
Global Health and Democracy: Managing Two Top U.S. Priorities
U.S. foreign policy commitment to both health and democratic norms is imperative
President Biden's COVID-19 Summit and the Shift in Pandemic Geopolitics
The pandemic is fading in importance for balance-of-power politics
The World Needs U.S. Funding to Prevent and Prepare for the Next Pandemic
At this week's White House pandemic summit and beyond, all eyes are on the United States
From Synergies to Tragedies: 9/11, Terrorism, and Pathogenic Threats
After the 9/11 and anthrax attacks, efforts to mesh counterterrorism and public health have failed
Pandemics, Pathological Politics, and International Order
A review of the new book "Aftershocks" by Colin Kahl and Thomas Wright
Rethinking Border Management and Global Health Security after the Pandemic
Border measures will be a more complex and controversial challenge for the post-pandemic world
The Afghanistan Disaster and U.S. Foreign Policy on Global Health
The Taliban's triumph has terrible implications for past, present, and future U.S. foreign policy on global health
Here We Go Again: U.S. Policy and Health Security
Framing pandemics as security threats failed to prepare the United States for COVID-19
Health Security and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Health and Security for Whom?
The pandemic proves that "health security" should no longer drive global health policy
A New Global Health Order?
Low-income countries and non-alignment in the wake of the pandemic
A "Third Way" for World Order After COVID-19
The pandemic will accelerate the development of a "multiplex" world
Global Health's Reckoning with Realpolitik
Geopolitics, global health, and foreign policy
The COVID Pandemic—A Global Crisis in an Era of Great Power Rivalry
The United States must prepare for future pandemics in a geopolitical world
On Global Health, President Biden's Finest Hour
American leadership arrives at the G7 summit
A New Era in U.S. Global Health Leadership?
What the World Health Assembly meeting revealed
U.S. Foreign Policy and Global Health Explored
A series on the future of U.S. engagement on global health